Vampire Diaries Дневники вампира

пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Twilight Saga? Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson interviews

A tome that in paper form might be rather heavy to lug
around has been published today digitally – available to Twilighters on Kindle
and other e-readers. It contains 30 interviews with the cast dating from 2008
when the first film was released.  Its
author Talia Soghomonian met and interviewed the trio at various points during the
filming of Twilight, charting their progression from normal teenagedom, and
relative obscurity, to the Hollywood A-list.

Everything might have since gone awry between real-life
couple Pattinson and Stewart in the wake of reports that she cheated on him
with her Snow White and the Hunstman director Rupert Sanders. Twihards were
devastated when the relationship, that seemed to underline the fictional one,
went wrong (please let the reports "they're working on it" be true.

Click here or on «View Gallery» for more pictures of the Twilight stars

But Soghomonian's interviews were conducted before the
proverbial hit the fan, which means the book is choc full the pair's collective
gushing. Having never confirmed that they were an item prior to the allegations
of Stewart's affair (it being the best known "secret" in Hollywood, they are
characteristically tight-lipped about their personal lives.

Extracts from two of
the most recent interviews are published below:

Robert Pattinson at the 'Water for Elephants' Film Premiere, London, Britain, 3 May 2011

Robert Pattinson:
Every actor is just a vain moron

Looking extremely casual in an old T-shirt, baseball cap,
faded jeans and a three-day beard, Pattinson, 26, looks happy and relaxed to
have the movie that changed his life behind him.

What was the hardest
Twilight scene to film?

Probably that bit in the first one, when Bella is in the
hospital and she says: «Don't ever leave me again,» and I say,
«Where am I going to go?» or something like that. I still think
that's my favourite scene in it mainly because it was so different what
happened after it. We made up the line there and then, that's how different the
shoot was. Like, every movie afterwards, the idea of making up lines was just
unheard of so I loved that bit.

But the hardest scene to film was probably the birth scene
in Breaking Dawn- Part One, mainly because it was hilarious, and it was
supposed to be really serious. [Laughs] There was one shot where we had to look
directly into the camera, and I was crying with laughter. I'd have to go down
and chew the baby out and I was stopping tears from coming out of my eyes, and
it looks like I'm crying in the thing. And I'm not supposed to be able to cry
as a vampire.  

Have you read Fifty
Shades of Grey, the E.L James book supposedly based on you? And would you star
in it?

I think the author has written me out of it. I saw some
interview earlier and she went: «Oh, it could never be him.» And I'm
like: «Hey, I'm going to make you pay for that.» [Laughs]

She said you could
never play the role that was based on you?

It's funny seeing all these other actors so openly vying for
it. I've never seen that happen before. It's so strange. I haven't read the
whole thing, I read bits of it. There's a book called Fifty Sheds of Grey. Have
you seen that book? That's amazing, just a picture book of fifty grey sheds
[laughs], and it's literally on the New York Times Best Seller List. People have
got the wrong read. [Laughs]

What do you think
about when you watch yourself in movies?

I don't really know what I'm doing when I'm doing it [Laughs].
I find a lot of the time it's like tossing a coin and if something comes out
good or not when you are doing it, even in the scene… I don't understand these
actors who can consistently turn up to work and just be in 'acting mode' and
just be really good all the time. I can literally walk onto a set and have
absolutely no idea. I've done all of my preparation, or whatever, and have no
idea what's going to happen until I open my mouth at all. And I can also feel
when something goes terribly, when it's the best scene in the movie or
whatever. I have no idea ever.

What will you miss
the most about filming Twilight?

There is something incredibly familiar and nice about it.  I turn up on a movie set and know everyone. It's
like the first day of school every time you start.

What do you do to
keep you grounded?

I don't know, I guess I'm quite a genuinely insecure person,
and so [staying grounded is] not very hard for me. Even if someone says that
something is good, you've got to be pretty dumb to let your head get big,
especially now when everything about your life is reported. I don't understand
actors who still have a big ego. Everyone knows who you are, everyone knows you
are just a vain moron, and that's what every actor is. [Laughs]

What has fame stopped
you from doing?

I really miss going to the cinema, especially in Los Angeles,
because LA has the best cinemas in the world. I used to go four or five times a
week. And I miss the obvious anonymity kind of thing. I want to be able to sit
in a place and not worry and just listen to people or watch people. The camera
phones and TMZ just ruined everything. In a few years, people will be like,
«oh goddammit, I wish we never bought into TMZ, now we've ruined it for
ourselves.» [Laughs]

Kristen Stewart at the 'On The Road' film premiere, 65th Cannes Film Festival, France, 23 May 2012

Kristen Stewart:
Don't protect me, I'm fine

Looking stylish in a pair of black skinny jeans, black heels and a white shirt, Kristen Stewart, 22, is in a friendly mood and seems excited about this next chapter of her life.

Can you talk about
the transformation of Bella from human to vampire in Breaking Dawn-Part 2?

One thing that I liked about Bella's human version is that
she gives as much as she wants to and doesn't feel pushed. To me, she's always
been really honest, even if she's technically lying to people. She's
emotionally very honest. Because of that, she's sometimes unsteady, and sometimes
I allowed her to be kind of just teenager-ish. It's like, you are this very
developed, mature version of what we all know her to be, but at the same time,
you are this very young, new animal, quite a baby, and you are figuring out how
to like use the tools that you have been given. It's like a 12-year-old getting
into a six-speed sports car and being like: «Whoa, so that was fun.»

How about just the
physicality? Vampire Bella is so strong.

Yeah, that's the thing. You want to get as close as you can
to those experiences. I wanted to feel that strong, but obviously, you can't.
Sometimes you have to fake certain things. I really appreciated it when we
weren't on treadmills. I liked being able to actually run on ground and get
movement, actual space behind me, and there were different ways that we
accomplished looking strong and fast and all that stuff, and my favourite bits
were always the ones that we could actually do.

You look very
different. You're wearing a great jacket and the running and the new attitude.
Did you have any input on that too?

Yeah, absolutely. One answer to that is that Alice dresses
her after she becomes a vampire, because she's so busy afterwards and she's so
focused on other things, like having the self-control to not rip everyone's
throat out. And the fact that she's got this child. So, they dress her. For a
second, I was like: «Do we hold onto the idea that Bella doesn't think
about it, and so she just kind of looks plain [laughs] and puts on whatever is
handed to her and it's a natural, easy thing, or did she choose these
things?» Now her clothes are pretty straightforward but she will wear a
random pair of high-heeled boots, so it's like: «Whoa, Bella, what are you
doing? This is weird.»

You have all become
huge stars since the first movie. Did you notice any change, like the way
people treat you on set?

On the Twilight sets, towards the end, I found that people
didn't really talk to us anymore, which was weird. It was like they possibly
were even told: «Hey, leave them alone. If you don't have a reason to talk
to them, don't just go up to them.» And I hate that. Don't protect me, I'm
fine, it's like, now you are just completely isolating me, so thanks. And then
it makes them seem like you are the one possibly who said that to people, which
is like, do not represent me, ever. That is the most horrifying idea that that
happens unbeknownst to me, but I am sure it does. Just really annoying.

Have you read Fifty
Shades of Grey?

I've read large excerpts.

Did you know it was
based on your character? And if there were a movie, would you be in it?

Uh, [laughs] first of all, they haven't called me or
anything. They haven't offered me the part.

Would you be brave
enough to play Ana in Fifty Shades?

I haven't read it, and so I mean, I know what you are
talking about, I've definitely read some of 'those bits' [laughs]. It's really
nuts, I couldn't believe it. I see people reading it and I'm like: «Dude
you are in public, what are you doing?» [Laughs] But I'm pretty daring. It
just takes the right story, and so I don't know because I haven't read it. I'm
not avoiding it or anything. I just think it's been made this big deal, so I
don't even know how to answer that question.

Did you take any
mementos from the Twilight set?

I took all of her rings and stuff. I have all the bracelets,
the wedding ring. I think I have a fake one, actually. I don't think I have the
real one. And I love how I don't even know that. It's probably sitting in some
baggie somewhere, like a really big diamond.

The above interviews are
taken from Robert Pattinson, ‘Kirsten Stewart Taylor Lautner – In Their
Own Words’, by Talia Soghomonian (
Available at iTunes Amazon, £3.74 and as enhanced version with audio for

Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is out 16 November 2012

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