Vampire Diaries Дневники вампира

воскресенье, 23 сентября 2012 г.

Countdown To The World Premiere Of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2

Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Promo Poster

If you're a Twilight Saga fan, November 12 has your name all over it.

Summit Entertainment-Lionsgate (via the major Twilight fan sites have announced it as the date for the world premiere of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 and it's all taking place at the Nokia Theater LA Live in, er, Los Angeles.

From the sound of things Summit are planning a massive blow-out for the series finale and preparing for a huge turn out. And for those who want to soak up the end-of-an-era feeling, there's always 'Tent City'.

Yup. Camping. For over a week. At Nokia. Some might scoff, but if you're a die-hard fan — tarpaulin and a mobile stove is where it's at. Make no mistake, from November 8 onwards (when campers get to pitch up it's going to be mental outside that theater. Atmosphere in spades and ringside positions for when Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and the rest of the enormous Breaking Dawn — Part  2 cast hit the red.

It goes without saying that this summer's dramatic events threatened to throw a major spanner into the saga's last hurrah, despite Summit's "full steam" reassurances. But with Pattinson and Stewart now reportedly past the worst, the prospect of a terrific send-off for a bona fide pop culture phenomenon that's enthralled millions for four years looks positively rosy.

Word is Summit are organizing the LA throwdown like a military campaign and campers will have to register online beforehand. Details on activities and how to get into Tent City will be revealed October 1. Information about a London premiere and other territories are still to come.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as Edward and Bella Cullen in Breaking Dawn - Part 2
Kellan Lutz (who plays Emmet Cullen recently amped up anticipation for the final installment when he told The Insider about an extra scene in the credits of Breaking Dawn — Part 2:

"Every film's been building and building, and Bill Condon really had a great idea with ending the series with 'Breaking Dawn 2,' and just adding a little more flavor to parts of the book that weren't there, but he elaborated more on. I think the fans are really going to enjoy it."

An understatement if ever there was one.

On the Breaking Dawn - Part 2 set with director Bill Condon, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson

And there's more. Recent reveals from an EBook "Robert Patttinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner — In Their Own Words" authored by Paris-based US journalist Talia Soghomonian, offer poignant morsels from the series' leads.

Asked which Twilight Saga  installment "touched" him the "most" Pattinson said:

 "Probably that bit in the first one, just when Bella is in the hospital, and she says, 'Don't ever leave me again,' and I say, 'Where am I going to go?' or something like that. I still think that's kind of my favorite scene in it."

For Stewart, who gets to revel in her transformation from human Bella to fierce vampire mother in the finale, the actress said she kept:

"All of her [Bella's] rings and stuff. I have all the bracelets, the wedding ring. I think I have a fake one, actually. I don't think I have the real one. And I love how I don't even know that. It's probably sitting in some baggie somewhere, like a really big diamond."

Love it or hate it, that sound you can hear is millions counting down the 54 days left until The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 hits theaters on November 16.

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