Vampire Diaries Дневники вампира

вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.

'Diaries' welcomes a new vampire

When the latest season of "The Vampire Diaries " began, a new vampire made her way into the highly abnormal supernatural town of Mystic Falls .

But fans don't have to worry, though Elena is now immortal, her annoyingly indecisive personality is still completely alive and with it, many problems.

Yes, she's with Stefan , but the writers of the show certainly want viewers to question if this will always be the case.

Damon , the ever-attractive eldest Salvatore brother, now wants to escape the confines of his slowly failing love life as Elena chose Stefan at the end of last season. But with her new lifestyle of vampirism she is slowly discovering, she's a lot like Damon.

Could a jump to the other Salvatore ship be a possibility? It would certainly mean more scenes with Ian shirtless –– a plus for every fan, no matter which Salvatore he or she is rooting for.

Elena is also slowly remembering things that she was banned from seeing as a human, most importantly that she met Damon first and that he said he loved her.

The new season also presents the addition of a new character, April Young , the pastor's daughter and the girl Elena used to babysit.

April is a likeable character, so it is safe to predict she isn't going to last very long. The writers love to kill characters off, just when viewers start to grow attached to them.

Though currently all April has given viewers is a near-death scene, an awkward beer shared with Elena and a curiosity about her father's death, she seems to be an important addition.

This season has begun in a lackluster manner. Things seem to resolve themselves rather quickly within the first three episodes.

Bonnie is less present in the last episodes, though no one can blame her since hanging around with Elena and her crew almost always brings her pain.

The latest episode, which aired on Oct. 25, made viewers question if Tyler is completely faithful to Caroline , a plot twist that will make viewers more uncomfortable than the scene when a needle was placed in Tyler's teeth, via the hands of the newest vampire hunter in town.

Because the council is conveniently gone, this hunter appeared. He shares a bond with Jeremy and has caught Klaus ' eye as valuable — thus making Elena's life important to him, once again.

The question that lingers is how important will he actually be and why.

Elena –– still battling with her transformation is plagued by guilt, heightened emotions, and her newest annoyance Rebekah, who is left alone after a bitter falling out with the most insane of family relatives, Klaus.

Things are still a mess in Mystic Falls. People will inevitably die soon and Elena will still exist as the heroine who happens to have the most attractive vampires fight for her affection.

Her future as a vampire and how it will affect those around her, as always, is the question. Let's just hope, it doesn't end with another character like the lovely dying. If you weren't moved during the graveyard scene with Damon and two episodes ago — you aren't watching this show correctly.

Grade: B

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