Vampire Diaries Дневники вампира

воскресенье, 26 августа 2012 г.

S.A. 'Twilight' convention proves 'it's not just for teenage girls'

The DoubleTree near the San Antonio airport looked more like Forks, Wash. over the weekend. Or maybe it was more like La Push?

Fans of the ‘Twilight’ saga mingled with some of their favorite actors and other fanatics at the Official Twilight Saga Convention 2012. Celebrities included Christian Camargo (Eleazar, Booboo Stewart (Seth Clearwater, Julia Jones (Leah Clearwater, Alex Meraz (Paul of the Wolf Pack and Charlie Bewley (Demetri of The Volturi. The cast from the spoof web series ‘The Hillywood Show’ was also in attendance and judged the ‘Twilight’ costume contest.

Sure, there were a lot of teenage girls going gaga for Booboo Stewart and the other stars, but one woman’s shirt summed up the convention quite accurately: «Twilight. It’s not just for teenage girls, dammit.»

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